Thursday, 1. December 2005

Christmas Cards & Letters

Hello again,
I would love to get some Christmas Cards or Letters from you!!
Here is my mailing address:

Stephanie Hoefle
Bukas Palad
1862 Tramo Street
Cor. Buendia Avenue
Pasay City
13300 Philippines

Would be so nice to get some post!
Actually I will spend my Christmas in Tagaytay, which is a beautiful town 2 hours from Manila and near the town is a huge lake with a volcano! Beautiful!

I will go there from 22 December to 3 January! So I will spend Christmas & New Year's Day there. In Tagaytay they have also a Bukas Palad with a school and other projects and there are a lot of young volunteers there.
I'm looking forward to it!
How are things going in Austria? Can't wait for some exciting stories...
Love Stephanie

stephanie around the world

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