Das Geheimnis der Freiheit ist der Mut...
The secret of freedom is courage!
Why would a 20 year old girl go all alone on a worldtrip for about 10 months? Believe me, there are many people asking right this question... And maybe you too want to know my intentions why I'm doing this trip?
Well, actually there are a lot of reasons. Obviously the most important reason is my heart whispering to me all the time: "let´s pack our stuff and go to discover the world! So many beautiful countries, so many different people and cultures, so many places to see..."
I'm so much looking forward to this trip, I'm all excited and nervous, but it's an amazing feeling. I'm going to live my dreams, and I'd like to encourage everybody to do the same!
The secret of freedom is courage... so just do it!
Although there are enough people who tell you they would never do it, or it's far too dangerous, it's never going to work etc. Be optimistic! ( =

I will start on the 14 of November, flying to Bangkok (Thailand)... There I will spend about 2 weeks and then take a direct flight to the Philippines. On the Philippines I'm going to work in a social project called "Bukas Palad". Bukas Palad Foundation with its motto: "Freely we receive, freely we give", is a non-government organization founded to respond to the social problems besetting the Philippines.
I'm going to work in the Bukas Palad in Manila, the capital, and also in Tagaytay, a more rural area. Mainly I'm going to help in the play school and school for children in the slums. In April I´ll travel 1 month Thailand, then Australia is waiting for me.... After that I'd like to discover beautiful New Zealand. And last but not least I visit Christiane in Mexico!
For your information: Back again I'll estimated be at the end of july. So I´m looking forward to hearing from you all during my trip, you can visit my homepage and write me emails! ( =
Carpe diem and lots of kisses

Why would a 20 year old girl go all alone on a worldtrip for about 10 months? Believe me, there are many people asking right this question... And maybe you too want to know my intentions why I'm doing this trip?
Well, actually there are a lot of reasons. Obviously the most important reason is my heart whispering to me all the time: "let´s pack our stuff and go to discover the world! So many beautiful countries, so many different people and cultures, so many places to see..."
I'm so much looking forward to this trip, I'm all excited and nervous, but it's an amazing feeling. I'm going to live my dreams, and I'd like to encourage everybody to do the same!
The secret of freedom is courage... so just do it!
Although there are enough people who tell you they would never do it, or it's far too dangerous, it's never going to work etc. Be optimistic! ( =

I will start on the 14 of November, flying to Bangkok (Thailand)... There I will spend about 2 weeks and then take a direct flight to the Philippines. On the Philippines I'm going to work in a social project called "Bukas Palad". Bukas Palad Foundation with its motto: "Freely we receive, freely we give", is a non-government organization founded to respond to the social problems besetting the Philippines.
I'm going to work in the Bukas Palad in Manila, the capital, and also in Tagaytay, a more rural area. Mainly I'm going to help in the play school and school for children in the slums. In April I´ll travel 1 month Thailand, then Australia is waiting for me.... After that I'd like to discover beautiful New Zealand. And last but not least I visit Christiane in Mexico!
For your information: Back again I'll estimated be at the end of july. So I´m looking forward to hearing from you all during my trip, you can visit my homepage and write me emails! ( =
Carpe diem and lots of kisses

stephanie around the world - 21. Oct, 21:11
dkg - 22. Oct, 00:48
na, dann: gute reise! :-)
verenita - 24. Oct, 17:56
Mucha suerte!
Wünsche dir alles Gute für deine Weltreise! Ich finde es total spitze, dass du den Mut dazu hast. Freue mich schon auf deine Berichte.
Un abrazo
Un abrazo
mexicanchristl - 25. Oct, 18:05
Eine Reise von 1000 Schritten beginnt mit dem ersten.
- A journey of 1000 steps starts with the first one.-
I wish you all the best for your trip arround the world! There will be so many different impressions waiting for you, so many different people waiting to meet you and so many different places to see! And all these together will make your trip special and unique!
Noone can do it as you! I´m sure it will be the best year of your life, so CARPE DIEM and don´t forget...
"Come my friends,
´Tis not too late to seek a newer world....
for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset ... and though
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven; that wich we are,
we are, --
One equal temper of heroic hearts
Made weak by the time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
-dead poets society-
PS: I love you
Take care!
- A journey of 1000 steps starts with the first one.-
I wish you all the best for your trip arround the world! There will be so many different impressions waiting for you, so many different people waiting to meet you and so many different places to see! And all these together will make your trip special and unique!
Noone can do it as you! I´m sure it will be the best year of your life, so CARPE DIEM and don´t forget...
"Come my friends,
´Tis not too late to seek a newer world....
for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset ... and though
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven; that wich we are,
we are, --
One equal temper of heroic hearts
Made weak by the time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
-dead poets society-
PS: I love you
Take care!
CurbsideProphet - 27. Oct, 12:34
Kia Ora
Wow - dass du a Weltreise machst, des habi net gwusst!! Findi richtig toll!! Sei immer optimistisch, dann haut alles hin! Bin sicherlich eine von den Wenigen, de sagen, dass sie's wirklich richtig toll finden ...?!
I wuensch dir auf jeden Fall ganz vue Spass! Geniess dei Zeit!
Und: I muas da dann unbedingt nomoi a paar Adressen vo Neuseeland und Australien schicken! Vielleicht kimmst da ja a vorbei, wo i war bzw. bin und dann sand a paar Kontakte immer hilfreich!
Wuensch da noch ganz vue Spass bei deiner Planung und denk immer daran: Optimistic people live much longer than the others! :)
Sonnige Gruesse aus Puhoi in Neuseeland,
your tramper-friend Dani
I wuensch dir auf jeden Fall ganz vue Spass! Geniess dei Zeit!
Und: I muas da dann unbedingt nomoi a paar Adressen vo Neuseeland und Australien schicken! Vielleicht kimmst da ja a vorbei, wo i war bzw. bin und dann sand a paar Kontakte immer hilfreich!
Wuensch da noch ganz vue Spass bei deiner Planung und denk immer daran: Optimistic people live much longer than the others! :)
Sonnige Gruesse aus Puhoi in Neuseeland,
your tramper-friend Dani