Wednesday, 19. July 2006

Viva las HIPPIES!!! ( =

halli hallo alle zusammen!
hola hola de palenque! how are you all doing?
we are great and happy as always ( =
we left beautiful oaxaca ) = and travelled along with nestor and taz (2 friends of christiane from zamora) ... they had their drums with them and now the HIPPIE time began!! ( =
from town to town with the drums, singing and druming and dancing giving concerts on plazas and in buses to finance our busticket, sleeping in a cosy tent on the beach, getting lifts from nice people all the way long... jey.
it was so funny and we met so many other hippies from all over the world along the way, sitting with them on the plazas and having a big concert with drums, flutes, guitarrs, poi dancing ....
wow, it was so amazingly crazy and funny ( =
and we needed no money at all! people invited us to stay with them and for food, it was really cool and just the PURE mexican lifestyle ( =
we travelled to puerto angel to the beach and to san cristobal de las casas, a beautiful mountain city at 2200m....
now we are already in palenque (we left taz and nestor in san cristobal), we visited amazing maya pyramides in the jungle (we saw some monkeys!!!) and it was so beautiful... now we´re going to take the night bus to tulum and next is playa del carmen... beach beach beach!!!! (christiane is obsessed with pyramides so we´re going to see some more *uff* hihi)
ok you guys, you won´t believe it but we have only 10 more days (me: juhu! christiane: buhu!) but we will definitely both really miss beautiful mexico ... it´s such a great country and reminds me in many ways of the philippines, especially with it´s nice people and the easygoing simple lifestyle.
we see you very soon, i´ll try hard to get some photos on tomorrow!
many many kisses from your 2 crazy hippie trampergirls ( =

stephanie around the world

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