Saturday, 22. July 2006

Islas Mujerers *schnorchel*

hola de las islas mujeres! ke tal en el resto del mundo?
we are enjoying sun and island flair and we are going snorkelling soon - jippieh!
in 3 days we have to be back in zamora, so we´re going to make a quick stop in valladolid and chichen itza to see some more pyramids ( ; (schnarch, na scherzi), verracruz and after that mexico city to pick up my stuff and heading to zamora.
i hope christiane exaggerated with her 100kg luggage - if not - halleluja! ( = we are goingt to try to stuff all her things in her bags - how this is going to work - who knows...
by the way, we were really disappointed from playa del carmen and cancun - they are so turisty it´s horrible.
but the islas mujeres are nice and the carribean sea is beautiful!
ok guys, we really can´t believe we are flying home in a few days, it´s so unrealistic and strange. and we can´t believe that our gap year is over - now it´s getting SERIOUS!!! university! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
before i spread out my panic here, i wish you a great weekend and next weekend we see each other already, well, most of you... ) = ( =
lots of kisses stephanie and christiane
CurbsideProphet - 23. Jul, 16:02


Wow, wow, wow - euer Abenteuer geht echt jetz zu Ende!! Freu mi unheimlich, dass wiederkemmts - a, wenn ihr wahrscheinlich no eher in Reisestimmung wärts! ;)
Aber a in Österreich is ganz 'nett' - wähl jetzt ganz bewusst den Ausdruck, weil des genau des Wort is, des auf Ö passt - im Vergleich zu Mexico, Australien oder die Philippinen ... ;)
Aber davor kennts ja nomoi gscheid relaxen und Mexicoluft schnuppern - lasst's es euch nomoi guat gehen!
Gfrei mi, meldets euch, sobalds wieder tirolerischen Boden unter di Füße habts! ;)
Schene Tage und guten Heimflug,
von einem Reisevamp an zwei Reisevamps :)
Ps: di Fotos sand spitze!

stephanie around the world

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CurbsideProphet - 23. Jul, 16:02




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